Monday, July 07, 2008

Book Cart Drill Team Championship

I don't know exactly how to explain the Book Cart Drill Team Championship to a non-librarian so I won't even try. My only regret is that no one has posted a video of the winning teams routine yet. Below is the second place team.

I didn't see the performance so you will have to rely on another blogger to get the general idea. From the Anaheim en Mass blog:

"The crowd favorite was a team from CA who came out as mad scientists, complete with wild wigs, lab coats and a complete chemistry set on each bookcart. They danced their way through a musical number where they poured a drink in their beakers (which began to bubble merrily) and drank it. They writhed and shrank beneath their carts, stripped their outfits and became zombies - complete with ripped clothing and ashen/bloody faces.

Suddenly Michael Jackson's "Thriller" began to play and they stepped their way, zombielike, through the song w/ their bookcarts - just like the famous video but with the carts for added flair. They brought the house down, and wound up taking home the first place Gold Cart."

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