Friday, April 25, 2014

24 Hour Reading Challenge Templete

So here are the recommended questions I will be answering every three hours or so. 

Currently reading: Hexed by Michelle Krys
Books finished: None so far.
Pages read: 0
Running total of pages read: 0
Amount of time spent reading: 0. Unless you count me staying up long past bedtime to finish reading 17 First Kisses? Later I will link to my Goodreads page since I am going to drop short reviews in there. When I am finished with the day I will go back in and grab the reviews and tidy them up and transfer them to the blog.
Running total of time spent reading: 0
Snacks: I picked up some cinnamon scones at Trader Joes so that is on my morning snack list. Since I am still in temporary housing I am going to have to make a few unsweet tea caffeine runs during the day (and night) but apart from that I should have everything I need.

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