Friday, March 13, 2009

Little Bee by Chris Cleave

Yes, I have been reading but I have to admit that I have mostly been reading urban paranormal fiction (Patricia Briggs is doing a fun werewolf series right now) but now it is time to get back to the Award reading.

On the day Sarah and Little Bee meet, events take place that profoundly affect the lives of each woman. Two years later, when their paths meet again, the course of their lives is once again profoundly changed. At once heartbreaking and tender, their journey explores the immigration system in England, the impact of a global environment and what the lucky and strong owe to those less fortunate.

I love stories that make you ponder your life and really stop and think about what you would do in a similar situation. This is that kind of novel for me.


katy ryan said...

I'm so glad you blogged about this book. I picked it up at Borders a couple weeks ago and was intrigued by the plot synopsis, but left with an alternative selection. It's back on my "to buy" list -- thanks!

Catherine VandeVelde said...

This was a good recommendation, Alicia. We read it for bookclub just recently, and there was a lot of discussion. Really interesting novel; the characters were really frustrating and interesting to see the choices they made.